Phone Number Directory

1. Privacy

Please refer to Equifax’s Privacy Policy for more information. If you have any questions in relation to privacy matters, please contact Equifax in writing using the contact details supplied in the Access, Correction and Complaints section on this page.

2. Equifax Public Number Directory Policy

Equifax Pty Limited (ACN 080 662 568) has been authorised by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) to access the Integrated Public Number Database (IPND) in order to publish and maintain a Public Phone Number Directory in accordance with subsection 285(1A)(c)(ii) of the Telecommunications Act 1997 (Act) and the Telecommunications Integrated Public Number Database Scheme 2007 (the IPND Scheme) as well as the associated legislative instruments.

i. Collection

Equifax collects people's names, addresses and telephone numbers from the IPND Manager. The IPND is a government-mandated central independent database of telephone listings, administered by Telstra Corporation and regulated by ACMA. It was established in 1998 and is managed by Telstra under the Carrier Licence Condition (Telstra Corporation Limited) Declaration 1997. Equifax collects personal information in order to publish and maintain the Equifax Public Number Directory.

ii. Use and Disclosure

The Public Phone Number Directory is a critical source of information for emergency and law enforcement purposes. It also serves as a resource of customer information in government research conducted in the public interest.

The personal information contained within the Equifax Public Number Directory is available to all members of the public, including both individuals and businesses in Australia. In limited circumstances Equifax may disclose your personal information to an entity overseas. Generally speaking this is in circumstances where we have engaged a third party to carry out certain call centre operations on behalf of one of the Equifax entities.

iii. Access, Correction and Complaints

In accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) you have the right to access personal information that the Equifax Public Number Directory holds on you and to have incorrect information amended.

If you wish to access your personal information, please visit Equifax Public Phone Number Directory

If you would like to update or amend the personal information which appears in the Equifax Public Number Directory, you will be required to provide satisfactory identification credentials and submit such requests in writing to;

Customer Resolutions Team

PO Box 13294,

Brisbane, QLD 4001

or email us

In addition, you should contact your telecommunications provider, who is the original source of the information.

If you do not want your personal information to be used within the Equifax Public Number Directory, you are required to inform your actual or prospective telecommunications provider. You can also choose to have an unlisted number and/or address, in which case your personal details will not be published in the Equifax Public Number Directory.

If you have a complaint about how we have handled your personal information please contact our Customer Resolutions Team using the contact details stated above.

Alternatively, if you are dissatisfied with the way in which your complaint is handled you have a right to complain to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) and ACMA.

The contact details of each are set out below:


Office of the Australian Information Commissioner

GPO Box 5288




ACMA Customer Service Representative

Tel: 1300 850 115



iv. Cookies

The Equifax website uses cookies (a coded piece of information stored on your computer that identifies your computer each time you visit).

Whenever you visit our site, our servers automatically record information about your usage such as the time of the visit, its duration and the pages which you visit. Our server records each user only by the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the computer which accesses our site. We cannot identify an individual from this information. These records help us to understand what parts of our site our visitors are using the most, for what purpose and to help us to ensure that any information is directly relevant to your requirements.

The information we collect about your usage remains anonymous, and we do not link it to any other personal information.

Like many web site operators, Equifax also uses independent companies to measure and analyse aggregated internet usage across the site. Please refer to Equifax’s Cookies Policy for more information.

v. Data Quality

In accordance with the APPs, Equifax takes all reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information we collect, use or disclose is accurate, complete and up to date. When the information is no longer needed, we take steps to permanently destroy the information.

The Equifax Public Number Directory is updated from the Integrated Public Number Directory on a daily basis.

vi. Data Security

Pursuant to the APPs, Equifax uses industry standard security and encryption to protect the personal information we hold from misuse and loss, and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

3. Last Update

23 August 2024